mission focus is at the heart of everything we do.

Let us tell you about it.

Our mission focus philosophy fosters a bias for action, respect and the power of the team.

It unapologetically brings a calm head and a lion’s heart to the challenges our clients face.

We believe that missions will take us to mars and solve the future of energy. missions will tackle hunger and disease. missions will take humanity forward.

and behind every successful mission are great leaders and empowered teams.

At its heart, our philosophy has three principles:


The Why. There are a lot of Purpose offerings out there. We bake it into our programmes. Why? We believe that what gets you out of bed in the mornings may not be the same as your company’s reason for being. Ultimately, Purpose in Mission Focus is about transparency. We want to vanquish the despair of mindless tasks through making the ‘Why’ part of all Leadership Communications.


The World is perennially disrupted. Dilution of ideas breeds apathy. We believe in setting objectives and letting everyone know where we’re heading. We believe in every member of a team knowing and understanding the objectives of those around them. Understanding when to pivot, dial up or dial down is where great leaders earn their keep. We want to build a culture of Certainty in every team in order to reduce anxiety and noise whilst building trust in the team and each other.

Servant Leadership

Authority is earned. People and culture are at the heart of success. We believe that leaders serve teams and team members. The most successful militaries in the world have adopted this philosophy for many years. Surprised? Many are. As a principle of Mission Focus, Servant Leadership is central to our Executive Coaching and Leadership Communications products. We want to release the pressure of insecurity in leaders through turning authority mindsets on their heads and unlocking the most powerful leadership behaviours.

Want to know more?

We’re always happy to discuss our philosophy. We do live it after all.
